Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Studying abroad is important for all students in all countries

Here is some advice for students: get your passport. All across the State System, international study has become a valuable part of a student’s higher education experience. It doesn’t matter if you spend two weeks in Belize or a semester in Indonesia, you will walk away with an invaluable life experience that will shape your future. Perhaps you aren’t yet sure which career path to follow as you pursue your degree. A study abroad experience can open your eyes to opportunities you never knew existed. (This is true of many vitally important co-curricular activities, such as internships, which will be the focus of a future blog.)

As international study is important for our State System students, it’s equally important for students from other countries who seek the same enriching opportunities here in the U.S. An example of how the State System is currently engaging the international community is the Pennsylvania Higher Education Initiative in India. The program is designed to help colleges and universities recruit qualified international students. A number of our State System universities have direct connections with high schools and junior colleges throughout India, and the opportunities to promote their university in this growing market are rich.

So, as you plan ahead for your summer semester, give serious thought to how an international experience can make you a better student today, and a more well-rounded member of society, tomorrow. Click here to read about the remarkable experiences some of your fellow students have had.

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